以人為本 ‧ 持續創新

The growth we've experienced over the years is not only because of valued customers who faithfully support our business, but also our amazing teammates who always go above and beyond. For those who know us, regard us as a big family. Many of our staff have been with us for a long time. As NIKSUN Beauty grows, we are actively looking for some talented and motivated people to come build with us. If you’re interested in joining a dynamic and motivated team, then drop us an email and come and be one of us!


NIKSUN Beauty 每一步的發展以至每一點的進步,實有賴我們一班絕對令人引以為傲的團隊!為著公司進一步發展,我們正在積極尋找有才華和積極性的人與我們一起發展。如果您對美容行業充滿熱誠,重視服務,同時喜歡接受挑戰,歡迎您加入成為我們的一員。


成為 NIKSUN Beauty 的一份子

有興趣者請將個人履歷、申請職位及要求待遇電郵至 recruit@niksun-beauty.com.hk

一般情況下,我們不會發出收到申請表通知;如申請人於發件後 1 個月仍未接獲面試通知,申請人可視其是次申請為暫不獲考慮;申請人提供之所有資料均只作招聘用途,未獲取錄之申請人個人資料,將於 12 個月內全部銷毀。

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